Enneagram Videos
If you would like to know a little more about the Enneagram of Personality and its how its timeless roots shape the world we find ourselves in, then please browse the links below to enjoy hours of FREE Enneagram seminars and talks about the nine enneatypes.
Part I - The
Blueprint of Life
Part II - Patterns of the
What is the Enneagram?
What is the Enneagram of Personality?
Key Benefits of using the Enneagram
A Spiritual Approach to the Enneagram
The Positive Enneagram
The Origins of the Enneagram
The Enneagram & Uniqueness
The Power of Numbers in the Enneagram
Coming off Autopilot with the Enneagram
The Enneagram & The Emotional Memory
Emotional Processing vs. Therapy
The Enneagram: Letting Go of Your Emotional Issues
The Enneagram: What drives our Behaviour
The 9 Enneagram Types & Anger
Using the Enneagram to Resolve Conflicts
The 9 Enneagram Types at a Party
The Enneagram: Your Personal Route to Growth
The Enneagram & Real Freedom